Here, to change your email address, click the Email field and type the new email address. On the Account Overview page, click Edit Profile. In fact I challenge Spotify to come up with one single credible reason why this cannot be done. Once you are signed in, in Spotify’s top-right corner, click Profile > Account. You can't import records into an existing account. Zapiers automation tools make it easy to connect Facebook Pages and. Solution: Construct a translator to handle the import. Set up the Facebook Pages trigger, and make magic happen automatically in Spotify. The database schema is not identical between the two systems. Solution: write a service application on the email-based system that accepts this type of request from the FB-based system. The infrastructure is completely disparate between the FB users and email-based users. We then insert these records into the email-based Spotify account. We query the FB user Spotify account, generating the collection of playlists. At the server end we now have a legitimised request to merge the accounts. The user clicks the confirmation url in the email which contains the verification token. A token based verification email is sent to the email-based Spotify account. They trigger the process by signing in as their FB user and entering the username/email address of the email-based Spotif account. Here's how I'd go about it: The facebook user locates a webpage on the spotify site targeted toward people that want to merge a FB account with an email-based one. Extensive RDBMS experience for the same period.Net web/application developer since. Firstly, my qualifications: Ansi-C programmer since 1993. How hard would it be? Well, let me tell you. Re: Change Spotify login details from Facebook to. Head over to Spotifys web player, click on the login button, enter your email address and password that you set earlier and you should now be able to login to.